Curr Opinion Psych (COiP)
Recent articles
(selected 2020-2022)
- Refugee game (PNAS)
- COVID and Climate (Ann Rev Psych)
- Prosociality across globe (PNAS)
- Ecology and Latitude (PPS)
- CLASH and climate (BBS)
and commentaries.
- Milgram 2.0: Obedience pdf
- Hunger (Nature Comms)
- COVID (Nat Hum Behav)
- Norms (Nature Comms)
- Relationships matter more to
men than to women (BBS)
- Vitamin S pdf (and video)
- Prevalence of dyads pdf
- Climate Change:
solutions pdf (video) and pdf
- Trust: Lessons pdf
genetics pdf
politics pdf
- Soccer:
cognition pdf and pdf
hormones pdf and (fe)male
soccer pdf
Universiteit van Nederland
NEW video about corona
13 minute video on
Climate change
For interviews/videos,
see Society and Media
Articles in Scientific American
Psychology Today
Blog Hunger Blog Bad groups
Blog Naturally kind?
Paul A.M. van Lange
Global Professor
University of Cologne
Distinguished Research Fellow University of Oxford
Recent Books (selected)
Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology (Sage 2012) here
Social dilemmas: Human Cooperation (Oxford 2013) here
Punishment and Cooperation (Oxford, 2014) here
Power, Politics, and Paranoia (Cambridge, 2014) here
How to Publish (APA, 2015) here and slides
Cheating, Corruption, and Concealment (Cambridge, 2016) here
Cooperation and Trust (Oxford, 2017)
Handbook of Basic Principles (2021, Guilford, see flyer)
Research institutes/groups
ACL (Amsterdam Coop Lab)
IBBA (Brain and Behavior)
SENSA (Social Educ Neuroscience)
ASI (Amsterdam Sustainability Ins)
PACS (Peace And Conflict Studies)
KLI (Kurt Lewin Institute)
Art and Inspiration video
(20 min; empathy, trust)
Trust (in English)