Full Professor, Chair in Social Interaction and Interdependence, VU University, Amsterdam (2000+) [link]
Distinguished Research Fellow, University of Oxford (2014 - now) here
Honorary Full Professor, Societal Conflicts, University of Leiden (1999-2009) [link]
Scientific Director of Kurt Lewin Institute, an interuniversity graduate school of social psychology and its applications (2001-2004) [link]
Associate Editor of European Journal of Social Psychology (1998-2001) [link]
Associate Editor of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2001-2002; 2007-2008) [link]
Associate Editor of Psychological Science (2008, 2012 - 2015) [link]
Guest Editor of Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences PNAS (2014) [link]
Founding Editor of Current Opinion in Psychology (2014 - now) here
Member, vice-president, president Society of Experimental Social Psychology [link]
Member of Policy Advice Committee at Netherlands Organizations of Scientific Research (1999-2003). [link]
Founding Editor of Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (CRESP) [link]