VU University, Amsterdam

phone: 31-20-5988852 fax: 31-20-5988921

PhD Students | Post-Docs



  • Bystander and norms

  • Vitamin S

Current courses: 

  • Interdependence: An Atlas of Interpersonal Situations (2005-now): A compulsory course in the Research Masters Social Psychology.

  • Bridging Social Psychology (2005 -now): A compulsory course in the Research Masters Social Psychology.

  • Research Projects (1990-now): Supervision of research at the undergraduate level.

  • How to Publish (2006-2010):  PhD-course for the Kurt Lewin Institute

Past courses :

  • Research skills (1990-1998)

  • Advanced research skills (1990-1994)

  • Theories of social psychology (1990-2000)

  • The psychology of economics and environment (1995-1998)

  • Egoism and altruism (1992-2005)

  • Cooperation and competition (1998)

PhD Students

  • Dr. Mark van Vugt (PhD, 1995; now Professor, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

  • Dr. Jeff Joireman, (PhD, 1996, now Associate Professor, Washington State University, USA) 

  • Dr. Ellen de Bruin (PhD, 1999, now head of science section of the newspaper NRC Handelsblad).

  • Dr. Johan Karremans, (PhD, 2002, now Associate Professor, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

  • Dr. Joost Miedema (PhD, 2004, now Assistant Professor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

  • Dr. Mirjam Tazelaar (PhD, 2004, died in 2005)

  • Dr. Tom Frijns (PhD, 2005, now Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Utrecht)

  • Dr. Arnoud Wisman (PhD, 2007, now Assistant Professor, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK)

  • Dr. Chris Reinders Folmer (PhD, 2008, now Post-Doc Erasmus University Rotterdam)

  • Dr. Anton Klapwijk (PhD, 2009, cum laude, now Policy Advisor at Ministry of Internal Affairs)

  • Dr. Petra Hopman (Phd, 2010, Researcher at Research Institute NIVEL)

  • Dr. Kaska Kubacka (PhD, 2010, now researcher in Paris)

  • Dr. Joel Vuolevi (PhD, 2011, now Post-Doc at VU University Amsterdam)

  • Dr. Francesca Righetti (PhD, 2011, now Assistant Professor at VU University Amsterdam)

  • Dr. Robert Eckhoff (PhD, 2012, now Researcher in Zurich)

  • Dr. Linda Muusses (PhD, 2014, now teacher VU)

  • Marco van Bommel (PhD, 2015, now assistant professor, University of Twente)

  • Lot Verburgh (PhD, 2015, now researcher, KNVB)

  • Niels van Doesum (PhD, 2016, assistant professor, University of Leiden)

  • Nils Kobis (PhD, planned 2017, Post-Doc, University of Amsterdam)

  • Junhui Wu (PhD, 2016, cum laude, Post-Doc Beijing Normal University)

  • Zoi Manesi (PhD, planned 2017)

  • Mariko Visserman (PhD, planned 2017)

  • Xiaoyue Tan (PhD, planned 2017)

  • Jan Luca Pletzer (PhD, planned 2017)

  • Hester Ruigendijk (PhD, planned 2017)

  • Post-Docs

  • Dr. Jaap W. Ouwerkerk (1998-2001) 

  • Dr. Sonja Utz (2000-2001)

  • Dr. Marcello Gallucci (2000-2005)

  • Dr. Wernher Brucks (2004-2005)

  • Dr. Joel Vuolevi (2011-2012)