Society & Media
Consultancy for the Katholieke Radio Omroep (KRO; consultancy regarding the psychology of everyday life dilemmas (1994-1996)
Consultancy for Eyeworks, a television program production company (2004-2005).
Regular contributor to two tv-programs: and "En Dan Nog Even Dit" (2012-now)
Regular contributor to Radio 1 (Pavlov, NTR Academie, Talkshows, 2012-now)
Regular contributor to the Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad (2011-now)
Teacher of course on "Trust and Communication" (a workshop for city mayors in The Netherlands, 2014-now)
Teacher of workshop "Psychology of Corruption" at the Anti-Corruption Academy (a workshop for policy makers of corruption, 2017, Austria)
for interview see hereContributor to play Terror by the Art and Inspiration Group, see 20-min video
University of The Netherlands (Universiteit van Nederland) video about corona
Several published interviews in newspapers (international media and Dutch media)
"Geweld rondom het sportveld, VU-Connected October 24, 2012, [link]
More recently, May 23, 2013 [link] ( see also Charter with recommendations from science [pdf]
"In elk vakgebied gaat het soms mis" Volkskrant, November 26, 2011 pdf
"Je stemt zoals je bent" Volkskrant, September 8, 2012 [pdf]
"Nederlands zijn gelukkig vol vertrouwen" Volkskrant, July 6, 2013 [pdf]
"Why men need women" New York Times, July 20, 2013 [link]
"Men with female offspring are 'more generous'", DailyMail, July 22, 2013 [link]
"Vertrouwen zit niet in onze genen" Volkskrant, April 8, 2014 [pdf]
"Kiezen voor je zelf of voor elkaar" Elsevier, May 10, 2014 [pdf]
"Hoge heren"Een corrupte bende" NRC Handelsblad, August 1, 2014 [pdf]
"Why superstitions help athletes perform better, New York Magazine, June 11, 2015 [pdf]
"Very superstitious: Weird rituals help athletes perform better, CNN news, July 7, 2015 [pdf]
"Ons gedrag is nobel, dat van anderen niet" Volkskrant, Dec 5, 2015 [pdf]
"Hoe verklaren we Keulen?"" NRC Handelsblad, January 16, 2016 [pdf]
"Climate and Violence" in Daily Mail , National Geographic, Sciencenewsonline , NewsHub , and NeuroscienceNews
"Does climate make people more violent?" New York Magazine, June 30, 2016
"Do hot climates make people more violent?" CNN news, July 8, 2016
"Een groep gaat in het donker sneller over de schreef" Parool, October 30, 2016
"Een boete voor sissen?" Volkskrant, November 30, 2016
"Niet meer dan zeven politieke partijen" Volkskrant, December 8, 2016
"Leaping into corruption", Scientific American, February 21, 2017
"Soort zoekt soort", NRC Handelsblad, April 7, 2017
"MeToo en de rol van omstanders" De Groene Amsterdammer, December 20, 2017
"Waarom wij niet tegen ons verlies kunnen" Volkskrant, April 28, 2018
"Support for refugees increases when refugees participate in integration programs." The Conversation, July 6, 2018
"Neues vom Flurfunk: Klatsch und Tratsch"" Balance, September 2018 (in German)
Reducing climate change by making it less abstract, Scientific American, April 2019
"Waarom we niet willen of durven ingrijpen, NRC, May 2019
Could crushing crickets help reduce climate change? CBC, July 2019
Fortune is not equally distributed around the world, Weekendavisen, November 2019 (in Danish)
Does hunger increase selfishness? New York Times, November 2019
Psychological solutions to climate change Spektrum (in German) December 2019
Why pessimists sometimes are right. Financieel Dagblad, October 2020
The government can do so more to help mitigate climate change, NRC, August 2023
Global problems call for a club of wise people, from each continent one. Volkskrant, September 2023
How a conversation can help cope with Israel and Gaza, Volkskrant, November 2023
Let’s remove the word populism from the dictionary. Parool. January 2024
Want to build trust? Give just a bit more than you received. NRC. March 2024
Without outsider monitoring, fraternities remain sexist, NRC, April 2024
Guest on Television and Radio Programs:
De laatste Nazi's - illustration of experiment on obedience (conducted with Piero Bocchiaro and Phil Zimbardo), for video see [link]
En Dan Nog Even Dit "Altruism and Volunteering" November 28, 2014, for example [link]
Contributor to film for the Custums and Tax Museum (Rotterdam, 2012) [link]
NTR Academie Radio 1, September 16, 2014 [link]
Empathie. De nieuwe liefde, October 1, 2014, for video, see [link]
Lectures series in Nanjing and Shanghai (China), November 2014, see [link]
1 Vandaag "Wanneer willen mensen ingrijpen bij agressie in trein" April 21, 2015 [link]
Radio 1 several interviews, such as "'replication in psychology" (March 4, 2016) or "Milgram" (March 31, 2016), "Escape Rooms" (April 11, 2016), or "Zuidas Art Exhibition" (May 23, 2016), "Too-much-talent-in-Soccer" (June 14, 2016), or "Voting in the USA" (November 2, 2016), or "Replication of Milgram" (March 15, 2017)
Keynote and debate about rapper Boef at Noorderslag 2018 (January 19, 2018)
Are norm violations becoming more common over time? Podcast BNR Quest radio (in Dutch)
Norm violations in times of COVID-19, Radio 1 , and why professional soccer should stay alive and kicking, Radio 1 (October, 2020)
Why do people prefer to interact in dyads (or pairs) rather than groups Radio 1 (January, 2021)